SPSJ Awards

SPSJ International Award

The SPSJ International Award was established in 1994 to honor the merits of international contributors to the SPSJ. This award has been given to foreign polymeric scientists and others, who have contributed to the field of basic and applied sciences of polymer science and engineering for many years and have remarkable accomplishment of exchanges with Japan. The nominee will be a person who is over 55 years old.

SPSJ International Award 2023

Jae-Suk Lee
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
"Founding and Utilization of Living Anionic Polymerization of Isocyanates"

Bruno Ameduri
Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier (CNRS)
"Pioneering Contribution on Synthesis of Fluoropolymers for Advanced Applications"

Suwabun Chirachanchai
Chulalongkorn University
"Development of Functional Environmentally Friendly Polymers for Advanced Materials"

Rigoberto C. Advincula
University of Tennessee at Knoxville / Oak Ridge National Laboratory
"Design and Synthesis of Nanostructured Polymers and Layered Materials"

Awadee List


The Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan

This award was established to aim the advancement of polymer science and technology in Japan. The nominee will be the members of the SPSJ who made creative and outstanding achievements concerning polymer science and technology (including engineering and industrialization technology).



SPSJ Award for the Outstanding Paper in Polymer Journal sponsored by ZEON

This award will be given to the first author of a paper which has been published in any issue of the Polymer Journal (No. 1-12) in the preceding year to recognize the quality of the contents of the Polymer Journal.

The nominee has to be before his or her 38th birthday at the time when the concerning paper was submitted to the Polymer Journal. The number of the awards is limited three per year. The award consists of a certificate, a medal, and 300,000JPY.

The award winner has to present an Award Lecture at the SPSJ Annual Meeting in the year the award is given. Traveling and accommodation fee will be provided by SPSJ. Details for the nomination or application procedures (the nomination format) and the deadline for submission of materials are obtained from the Editorial Office of the Polymer Journal, SPSJ.